Tuesday, July 30, 2013

78 days and counting

Greetings from the find family,

Time is flying by at warp speed and we can't manage enough projects into the few precious hours in every day.

The good news we were junk hunting this past weekend and found two really cool items for the first market.

First was a really old grocery cart, similar to this, ours is orange!
 and the second cart is a 50's cart similar to this
just really neat

To round out the shopping, we then found a whole bunch of these vintage laundry carts
These puppies will make great dump display pieces.

We are on the lookout for all types of lumber and wood scraps, need to build the general store area that will house all the beautiful fabrics, ribbons, trims, purses and jewelry, all handmade vintage styled jewelry.

It is starting to get exciting here,

the find family

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

99 days and counting

greetings from the find family,

It is 99 days until we open our doors to the public for what will soon become 'the' place to find great stuff, industrial, antique, shabby chic, mid century, primitives, and vintage. Nothing like Illinois has ever seen.

This week we think we found our building, a couple more hurdles and we will know for sure. We are going to have plenty of space for all of the gorgeous vignettes that will be done by our designers and staff.  Lots of cool ideas on mixing and matching the hottest new items available to you.

Keep watching here for more details about the building and soon we will be posting pictures of some of the things our vendors are sending to us for you.

til then,